Innovation in cancer diagnostics
Just one blood test
Detecting bowel cancer
Reducing colonoscopies
CanSense is diagnosing bowel cancer early
Colorectal cancer, also known as bowel cancer, is the third most common cancer globally. It is responsible for around 10% of all cancer diagnoses and is the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths worldwide.
Each year, bowel cancer strikes 1.9 million people and claims more than 930,000 lives. In Europe alone, more than 470,000 new cases emerge annually. Developing countries are witnessing a surge in incidence rates, while diagnoses in under 50s is creeping up.
The key? Early detection. Detecting bowel cancer in its early stages allows for the most effective treatment, leading to the best outcomes and significantly improving lives.
At CanSense, we ensure dependability, trust, and accuracy by integrating innovative technology with artificial intelligence-driven data analytics to deliver a single streamlined blood test
Delivering one simple blood test
Cansense offers a pioneering solution to a global problem, aiming to transform patient treatment and outcomes worldwide through the early detection of cancer.
Utilising the power of laser spectroscopy and AI, our technology introduces a contemporary non-invasive blood test, a liquid biopsy for early bowel cancer detection.
This groundbreaking technology marks a transformative shift, uniquely capable of detecting cancer and pre-cancerous polyps from a single blood test.
Our label-free assay revolutionises the process by eliminating the need for costly reagents, complex sample preparations, and invasive colonoscopies, setting a new standard in patient care.
We are dedicated to delivering our cost-effective innovation to this major global healthcare problem.
To achieve this goal, we have drawn together a talented, highly motivated team focused on addressing this challenge, and of fulfilling our shared purpose of transforming lives through early diagnosis.